Hate Social Media as a Musician? Don’t Stress Over It.

Are you an artist that hates social media as much as I do? Told you're shooting yourself in the foot by not posting everyday? Pulling your hair out because you have no idea what to post? That's ok. You don't need to do that for a successful career.

Here' the thing: if you have to force yourself to post on a consistent basis, you'll never reach the momentum on that platform as the people who LIVE on those platforms. You'll get drowned out and not build up a following, engagement, etc.

So don't stress about it. Post when you have something to share – when the genuine excitement can shine through. But otherwise, being lukewarm about Instagram or TikTok will just lead to you being a worse version of the heavy users.

It doesn't matter if Instagram or TikTok are “THE platforms right now” and “you have to be on them.” If it doesn't work for you, it doesn't work for you. But you DO need to find something that DOES work for you. I've seen another option become viable: microcommunities.

Subreddits, Discord servers, Facebook groups, IRL clubs, etc – related to music OR NOT. These are places where you can BELONG and actually connect with people. Don't try to ~promote~ yourself on them – just be a real person. Find your tribe and make things happen. If there's a place and time to share – do it. Just don't be spammy.

You don't need followers – you need friends and fans. The thing with small communities is that you'll naturally make friends. These people are WAY more likely to become true fans and superfans.